Ratihén:te High School
Ratihén:te High School offers secondary 1 through 5 and follows the MEES curriculum from the Quebec Education Program.
Ratihen:te, Kanehsatà:ke high school, on opening day:

Rotiwennakéhte Ionterihwaienhstáhkhwa
(Note: The school has changed its name, it is now known as Rotiwennakéhte Ionterihwaienhstáhkhwa.) Rotiwennakéhte Ionterihwaienhstáhkhwa offers Kanien’kéha Language immersion for Nursery and Kindergaten and follows the MEES curriculum from the Quebec Education Program. For more information please see the Rotiwennakehte Handbook 2017.

Our Mission
The mission of Rotiwennakéhte Ionterihwaienhstáhkhwa is to teach our children our Kanien’keháka language. The Kanien’keháka language has in its possession, respect, knowledge, culture, emotions, beliefs, and nurturing. It is the will of Rotiwennakéhte Ionterihwaienhstáhkhwa School that the children will learn to their fullest potential and become positive contributing members of Kanien’keháka society for all time.
A school that offers a caring, supportive family type environment where children learn who they are as Kanien’keháka people. Our school is located under the pines in the heart of Kanehsatà:ke. The Kanehsatà:ke Mohawk Territory is located in the south-western part of the province of Quebec alongside the beautiful Lake of Two Mountains. We have an enclosed playground. There are even the occasional deer sightings.
We at Rotiwennakehte Immersion / Aronhiatékha School are here to prepare your child for a successful future. Our mission is to provide a challenging academic program which children develop their potential. We incorporate their cultural identity, promote respect for self, others and community and deliver our program within a safe, nurturing environment.
We have groupings in cycles rather than grades as suggested by the Quebec Education Reform. Our students have 2 years to develop and master the competencies for each cycle. Our program of studies is comparable to the Q.E.P and we include Mohawk Language & Culture. We have a program that is based on everyday life.
Our Teachers
Small classes, individual attention, low-student teacher ratio. High levels of student and teacher enthusiasm. Our teachers are not only qualified and educated, they are committed. They encourage involvement and individual development. We have young, caring teachers from the community who inspire interaction, mutual respect and confidence. We have a real sense of family at our school where a positive learning environment is created.
The average size classes are filled with 10-15 students. Students are taught by experienced, fully qualified and competent classroom and subject teachers.
Excellent Language Arts program with multi-level teaching.
Rotiwennakehte Immersion / Aronhiatékha School is a Nursery to Grade 6 Trilingual school. We provide an atmosphere where your child has the freedom to be himself.
Language programs build communication skills in Mohawk, English and French. Students in N/K., and Cycle I learn in their native tongue. Starting in Cycle 2 English is added and a thematic based French as a second language program is provided for students at Cycle 2 & 3.
Students and teachers have access to external resources from the internet. Our teachers and students are trained in the forefront of smart board technology. Information technology has irreversibly changed the world in which we live. Our computer lab helps to meet this challenge.
Active minds and fitness go hand in hand. From cross country running to gymnastics our students have 135 minutes of Physical Education per week.
The Nursery/Kindergarten class is organized to encourage children’s active participation. Learning centers stimulate their curiosity and allow them to explore various areas of learning language, the arts, mathematics, the social sciences, and science and technology.
Ohenton Karihwatehkwen/Thanksgiving Address is integrated into the curriculum. It asks us as human beings to consider the purpose of everything in nature as part of the design of the Creator of Life. As long as everything is appreciated for what it does and what it shares to sustain the cycles of creation, everything will be all right, the world will be in balance and life will continue.
Onkwehonhwe values are instilled. Our program is designed to help your child establish links between classroom learning and everyday life. During individual or group activities, the children will have an opportunity to become familiar with ideas and practices that are specifically related to today’s world. The links between classroom learning and the world outside are explored in areas of lifelong learning.
Also offered is a traditional music program. Activities related to children’s concerns and interests are by nature cross-curricular. Drama is given at Cycle 2 & 3. The program is rooted to the children’s everyday lives and their human, physical and cultural environment. The students are given the opportunity to discover various means of expression and creation and to become aware of the different ways that support and construct learning.
Annual Science Fair
On-going community service support and partnerships
• Bullying, drug & alcohol prevention workshops
• Annual dental screenings by a professional dental hygienist from Health Canada
• Grade 4 HPV and HEP A & B immunizations
• In-service health & prevention classes given by our community health nurse
• Full service cafeteria offering nutritious meals & snacks
• Educational/curricular field trips, including over-night excursions for Grade 6 students
• Leadership Program

School Closures
School closures are announced on the following
Bell Media radio stations: CJAD 800 AM, CHOM 97.7 FM
and Cogeco – The Beat 92.5 FM
14 Joseph Swan, Telephone: (450)-479-8358
Kanehsatà:ke, Quebec Fax: (450)-479-6022
J0N 1E0 Toll Free: 1-(877)-479-8358
Monday to Thursday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 12:00pm
(Closed between 12:00pm – 1:00pm)
School Closures
School closures are announced on the following
Bell Media radio stations: CJAD 800 AM, CHOM 97.7 FM
and Cogeco – The Beat 92.5 FM
14 Joseph Swan,
Kanehsatà:ke, Quebec
J0N 1E0
Telephone: (450)-479-8358
Fax: (450)-479-6022
Toll Free: 1-(877)-479-8358
Monday to Thursday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 12:00pm
(Closed between 12:00pm – 1:00pm)