American Indians in Children’s Literature
Are you responsible for acquiring books for the school library? Or books for a class? Debbie Reese’s site, American Indians in Children’s Literature is an excellent resource. From the web site: “American Indians in Children’s Literature (AICL) provides critical perspectives and analysis of indigenous peoples in children’s and young adult books, the school curriculum, popular culture, and society.” Reese also provides suggestions based on certain criteria for books to use in the classroom, or stock in the library.
Arts and Culture in Québec Schools
A website from the Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport. Includes sections on Arts Education and Evaluating the impact of Artistic and Cultural Education.
Career Orientation
Here is a link that guidance counsellor’s may find useful. The site has links to career planning, and education and training and more. You’ll find helpful tools and tons of information on a variety of careers.
O Ambassadors
O Ambassadors™ is an exciting new joint project of Oprah’s Angel Network and Free The Children that will inspire young people to become active, compassionate and knowledgeable global citizens.
The program connects young people in North America with people around the world to create lasting change by working toward the UN Millennium Development Goals. Participants address problems such as hunger, poverty and limited access to education.
POP Are You Ready?
POP is the Personal Orientation Project – a new Secondary III compulsory course in the Applied General Education path. By 2008 – 009 POP will be available as an optional Secondary IV course in both the applied and general paths. Check out the list of Support Materials for Launching POP posted on the POP website. You can also view virtual tool-kits at the site.
Resources for Rethinking
Resources for Rethinking, a project developed by Learning for a Sustainable Future (LSF). LSF is a national charity that was created to integrate sustainability education into Canada’s education system.
The Resources for Rethinking (R4R.ca) database includes over 900 classroom resources (600 English resources and 300 in French). All of these resources have been reviewed by teachers, and meet rigorous sustainability and pedagogical criteria.
These resources hail from over 250 organizations, and are all linked to the curriculum of each province and territory in Canada. You can search these resources by grade (K-12), subject, curriculum unit, sustainability theme, and language! The R4R resources can be used to support teachers in meeting curriculum expectations while undertaking an action project!
In addition, R4R includes a section on Children’s Literature. Now, visitors to the website can search for
sustainability-themed children’s literature by subject, grade or theme. These books offer teachers an engaging way to introduce their students to a new topic, issue or unit.
Action Project Funding
LSF also offers action project funding through EcoLeague and Project FLOW. Through these programs, students and teachers design and implement a school/community-based Action Project to address a local sustainability issue.
Schools are eligible for up to $400 of EcoLeague funding, and up to $500 of Project FLOW funding to carry out their Action Projects. Comprehensive Water Action Projects qualify for up to $3000 in funding for projects involving multiple schools.
Please find more information on these programs, including information on how to apply for funding at: r4r.ca/en/funding. If you would like to subscribe to the LSF newsletter please go to www.lsf-lst.ca and enter your email address in the Newsletter sign-up box located on the upper right side of the page.
If you have any questions or would like further information please contact angela@lsf-lst.ca.
School Closures
School closures are announced on the following
Bell Media radio stations: CJAD 800 AM, CHOM 97.7 FM
and Cogeco – The Beat 92.5 FM
14 Joseph Swan, Telephone: (450)-479-8358
Kanehsatà:ke, Quebec Fax: (450)-479-6022
J0N 1E0 Toll Free: 1-(877)-479-8358
Monday to Thursday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 12:00pm
(Closed between 12:00pm – 1:00pm)
School Closures
School closures are announced on the following
Bell Media radio stations: CJAD 800 AM, CHOM 97.7 FM
and Cogeco – The Beat 92.5 FM
14 Joseph Swan,
Kanehsatà:ke, Quebec
J0N 1E0
Telephone: (450)-479-8358
Fax: (450)-479-6022
Toll Free: 1-(877)-479-8358
Monday to Thursday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 12:00pm
(Closed between 12:00pm – 1:00pm)