Post Secondary Student Funding
Post-Secondary Support Program
About the Program
Are you thinking about going further in your education? Indian and Northern Affairs Canada provides funding support to eligible Indian students to help First Nations students obtain certificates, diplomas, undergraduate and advanced degrees and to assist students with the cost of tuition fees, compulsory student fees, required books and living allowances.
For New Students Looking to be Funded by the Program
A file must be opened with the Kanehsatà:ke Education Center.
Click on the links below to download the files:
Post Secondary Application
Post–Secondary Student Handbook Policy
The Kanehsatà:ke Education Centre (KEC) manages the available resources of the Post-Secondary Education Program and the University College Entrance Preparation Program. To be eligible, a post-secondary education student must:
• Be registered on the Kanehsatà:ke Membership List
• Be a resident in Canada for 12 consecutive months prior to applying for PSE
• Be accepted by an eligible post-secondary institution
• Be accepted into an eligible program of study (i.e. certificate, diploma, degree, or University College Entrance Preparation (UCEP); and,
• Maintain continued academic standing with the institution.
• INAC requirements include limits on the time allowed for each type of program, as well as limits on funding levels, on the type of program and whether you are a full-time or part-time student.
If you are approved for funding, you are responsible:
• For keeping the KEC informed on how you can be reached (phone or current mailing and email address)
• For providing the KEC with progress reports/transcripts for each academic semester
• For informing the KEC of any change in studies (i.e. full-time to part-time, changing programs, dropping courses, etc.)
If you would like to know more about the Post-Secondary Education program, please call Valerie Tewisha at (450) 479-8358, ext. 226; Monday to Friday, 8:00am – 4:00pm.
Required Documents:
• Financial Application Form: You must fill out a financial application form, print in CAPITAL LETTERS, and answer all questions. Don’t forget your address, postal code, and all questions concerning your marital status, your education plan, and your previous and current studies.
• Proof of Identity: You must be a registered band member of the Kanehsatà:ke Mohawk Band. Include a photocopy of your Indian Status Card (both sides).
• Proof of Admission: Your acceptance letter to a post-secondary program leading to a degree.
• Tuition Fees: Confirmation from the teaching establishment of the amount you will require for tuition fees and registration fees for the complete school year, as well as an estimate of the amount required to cover the cost of books & supplies.
• Copy of Diploma: A copy of your last diploma received. Include a copy of your Secondary V if you apply for CEGEP or a copy of your CEGEP diploma if you apply for a Bachelor degree, etc.
• Consent Form: Consent form must be signed each year. Funding will not be allocated if consent form is not received.
• Confirmation of Attendance & Enrolment Form (for full-time students).
• Refer to documents required for each session.
For Students Currently Funded by the Program
See the required documents needed to receive financial support. You will find the list of documents needed at the beginning and at the end of each session. The aforementioned documents are necessary before your support cheque is mailed and for the continuation of your file.
You must fill out a financial application form for each attending session. Deadlines must be respected. June 15th for the fall semester and November 15th for the winter semester.
Required Documents:
• Marks and statements from previous session.
• Registration for courses at each session.
• Timetable or schedule for courses at each session.
• Invoice for tuition fees for courses at each session.
• Receipt for tuition fees (proof of payment).
Dates & Deadlines
(Note: Late applications will not be accepted and students must be in good academic standing to be entitled to funding. Funding is limited to the actual length of the program, plus one semester if it is required for the completion of the program.)
Funding Forms / Request for Funding | Deadline |
Fall Semester | June 15 |
Winter Semester | October 15 |
Spring Semester | May 15 |
Required Documents | Deadline |
Grades | N/A |
Fall Semester | January 31 |
Winter Semester | June 15 |
Spring/Summer Semester | September 15 |
Detailed Tuition Invoice / Weekly Schedule | Deadline |
Fall Semester | September 30 |
Winter Semester | January 31 |
Spring/Summer Semester | June 15 |
Confirmation of Attendance | Due the 22nd of each month or no payments |
Financial support can only be provided within existing budgets, so applications will be dealt with according to the priority levels and the order in which they were received. Should the budget be exhausted, applications that have not yet been approved will remain unfunded until the following year, until supplementary funds are received (which remains unlikely) or until change occurs in the budgetary situation.
School Closures
School closures are announced on the following
Bell Media radio stations: CJAD 800 AM, CHOM 97.7 FM
and Cogeco – The Beat 92.5 FM
14 Joseph Swan, Telephone: (450)-479-8358
Kanehsatà:ke, Quebec Fax: (450)-479-6022
J0N 1E0 Toll Free: 1-(877)-479-8358
Monday to Thursday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 12:00pm
(Closed between 12:00pm – 1:00pm)
School Closures
School closures are announced on the following
Bell Media radio stations: CJAD 800 AM, CHOM 97.7 FM
and Cogeco – The Beat 92.5 FM
14 Joseph Swan,
Kanehsatà:ke, Quebec
J0N 1E0
Telephone: (450)-479-8358
Fax: (450)-479-6022
Toll Free: 1-(877)-479-8358
Monday to Thursday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 12:00pm
(Closed between 12:00pm – 1:00pm)